[00:00] Intros.
[00:50] This week, we’re taking a deep dive into the Women’s March 2019 political agenda, plus their unity principles.
[07:00] What do these principles actually mean? Time to dig a little deeper…
[09:00] What does it mean to end the arming of police officers with military grade weapons? Line of duty deaths have actually increased since 2016. Is that taken into account?
[11:00] There’s not a lot in here that really makes up a “women’s agenda.” It’s a progressive agenda. Period. Plus, who doesn’t love a good committee?
[15:40] One thing is clear: This is the Women’s March moving into its next phase of existence. Also: If you have 20 goals, you have none.
[21:40] We can all unify behind ending violence against women. We all want that. When it comes to other goals though, why does the Women’s March have to go to the extremes?
[28:30] What about female veterans? What about moms who are raising their kids while their husbands are on tour in Iraq or Afghanistan?
[31:00] Access to healthcare with no exceptions or limitations? Hhhm…
[33:50] It all goes back to the ultimate struggle between the right and the left: OUR RIGHTS.
[35:30] Wait. It’s not about rights. It’s about money!
Not Your Average Feminist
These days, it seems like the feminist movement is only getting louder and growing stronger. And, we’d like to count ourselves among them. There’s just one problem. We don’t buy into all the progressive policy ideas that today’s so-called feminists ascribe to. We don’t believe we’re tragically oppressed by the patriarchy, and we’re not into shaming other women who don’t vote the same way we do. News flash: Not all women think alike! So welcome to Not Your Average Feminist, where we’ll try week after week, to give our own unique spin on feminism. We promise to give you a fresh perspective on the state of women in America, pop-culture, and society at large every week.
These days, it seems like the feminist movement is only getting louder and growing stronger. And, we’d like to count ourselves among them. There’s just one problem. We don’t buy into all the progressive policy ideas that today’s so-called feminists ascribe to. We don’t believe we’re tragically oppressed by the patriarchy, and we’re not into shaming other women who don’t vote the same way we do. News flash: Not all women think alike! So welcome to Not Your Average Feminist, where we’ll try week after week, to give our own unique spin on feminism. We promise to give you a fresh perspective on the state of women in America, pop-culture, and society at large every week.Listen on
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