We’re flipping the script this week to discuss some “current events”.
[01:20] So about that Gillette ad… The ad sparked a lot of outrage on the right, but Christina thinks the backlash to is a little misplaced.
Ben Shapiro dissects the ad in National Review: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/01/gillette-commercial-toxic-masculinity-debate/
[08:20] Don’t girls bully too, though? Where are the ad campaigns targeting female bullying?
[12:10] Are we cool with corporations lecturing us on morality? Maybe not… but it’s to be expected these days.
[14:45] All of this comes on the heels of backlash over a report issues by the American Psychological Association about masculinity. There’s lots to be concerned about when it comes to our men...but is masculinity one of them?
Read about it here: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/01/traditional-masculinity-backlash-against-new-apa-guidelines/
[22:30] Yes, the APA did try to backtrack and clear things up...Take it for what you will!
[24:40] BACK to the Women’s March… A LOT has happened since we dedicated our last two episodes to the organizations…
[25:50] We play a clip from Tamika Mallory’s appearance on The View and holy crap.. How can the Women’s March even claim to NOT be anti-semitic at this point? Also: How hard is it to condemn Louis Farrakhan?
Watch the whole interview on The View here: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/the-view-grills-womens-march-co-founder-tamika-mallory-over-ties-to-louis-farrakhan-why-call-him-the-greatest-of-all-time
[27:30] Call Your Girlfriend discusses the Women’s March anti-semitism problem. Worth listening: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/womens-march-or-why-only-drama-problem-is-no-drama/id881487725?i=1000427442151&mt=2
[30:10] Many left-leaning organizations are dropping their partnerships with the Women’s March
[33:55] UPDATE since we recorded: The Women’s March has released its 2019 Policy Agenda. https://www.scribd.com/document/397727839/The-Women-s-March-2019-Women-s-Agenda#from_embed
Not Your Average Feminist
These days, it seems like the feminist movement is only getting louder and growing stronger. And, we’d like to count ourselves among them. There’s just one problem. We don’t buy into all the progressive policy ideas that today’s so-called feminists ascribe to. We don’t believe we’re tragically oppressed by the patriarchy, and we’re not into shaming other women who don’t vote the same way we do. News flash: Not all women think alike! So welcome to Not Your Average Feminist, where we’ll try week after week, to give our own unique spin on feminism. We promise to give you a fresh perspective on the state of women in America, pop-culture, and society at large every week.
These days, it seems like the feminist movement is only getting louder and growing stronger. And, we’d like to count ourselves among them. There’s just one problem. We don’t buy into all the progressive policy ideas that today’s so-called feminists ascribe to. We don’t believe we’re tragically oppressed by the patriarchy, and we’re not into shaming other women who don’t vote the same way we do. News flash: Not all women think alike! So welcome to Not Your Average Feminist, where we’ll try week after week, to give our own unique spin on feminism. We promise to give you a fresh perspective on the state of women in America, pop-culture, and society at large every week.Listen on
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